FAQs - Licensure
How do I qualify for a naturopathic license?
To be considered for licensure, you must submit California’s Application for Naturopathic Doctor (ND-100), the $400 application fee, and proof that you:
- Have not been convicted of a crime nor subject to disciplinary action that would deem you unfit to perform in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, or welfare (See Title 16 California Code of Regulations, Division 40, section 4268).
- Graduated from an approved naturopathic medical school (list of schools can be found by visiting https://aanmc.org/naturopathic-schools/).
- Passed Part I of the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination (NPLEX) or received a waiver from the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners.
- Passed Part II of the NPLEX. (Information on the NPLEX can be found by visiting https://naturopathic.ca.gov/applicants/examinations.shtml).
Do I need to take any of the elective NPLEX exams?
Although it is not required at this time, it is highly recommended that elective exams for pharmacology, minor office procedure, and parenteral therapy be taken if available.
What is an approved naturopathic medical school?
An approved naturopathic medical school or program is one that is:
- Has accreditation or pre-accreditation from the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) (a national postsecondary education accrediting body).
- Offers a minimum 4100 hour (four-academic-year), postgraduate, in-residence curriculum (Business and Professions Code section 3623), which includes basic science and clinical didactic studies, as well as a minimum of 1200 clinical (experiential) training leading to a naturopathic doctor degree, or a diploma (from a Canadian program).
The CNME recognizes the following schools:
In the United States:
- Bastyr University, Kenmore, WA
- Bastyr University, San Diego, CA
- National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, OR
- Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, Tempe, AZ
- College of Naturopathic Medicine, Bridgeport, CT
- National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, Ill
In Canada:
- The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, North York, Ontario
- Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, New Westminster, British Columbia
Will the Board accept my doctorate of naturopathy from an unapproved naturopathic college? I am a member of a national professional naturopathic association.
No. California law is specific on the colleges and examinations that qualify for licensure. Only colleges approved by the CNME qualify to provide adequate level education and training to be licensed as a ND.
Are there any accredited naturopathic colleges in California?
Yes, Bastyr University has a campus in San Diego, California.
How do I show proof of education and qualifications?
Required documentation includes the following:
- Official transcripts sent directly to the Board from each approved naturopathic medical college you attended. Photocopies are not acceptable.
- If school transcripts do not display doctorate and date, a photocopy of your diploma from an approved naturopathic medical college are required.
- NPLEX examination results for Part I and Part II, sent directly from the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE). Photocopies are not acceptable. If you received a waiver for NPLEX Part I, be sure NABNE includes the reason for the waiver. See https://www.nabne.org/ for fees and how to request official transcripts.
- Verification of licensure/registration/certification in one of the healing arts in another state, District of Columbia, or a Canadian province. Use verification form ND-103 found here.
Does California have a jurisprudence exam?
Does California have licensing reciprocity with any other state?
Does licensure require approval by a board?
No. The Board of Naturopathic Medicine follows statutory requirements provided in Business and Professions Code sections 3610 through 3685, and Title 16, Division 40, sections 4200 through 4268 of the California Code of Regulations. The Board’s Executive Officer has discretionary authority to deny licensure for cause. (Above laws and regulations can be found https://naturopathic.ca.gov/laws/index.shtml).
What are the fees associated with licensure?
Fees are:
- $400 – Initial application (non-refundable)
- $1000 – Two-year licensing fee (prorated for the first licensing period)
Will I be subject to a criminal history records check?
Yes. All applicants must submit to State and FBI criminal history record checks (Business and Professions Code section 144). In California, fingerprinting will be conducted using LiveScan services. To begin the process, go to the LiveScan page https://naturopathic.ca.gov/applicants/live_scan.shtml, download the LiveScan form, and take it to a Live Scan provider (list found on LiveScan page). For additional information and a partial list of Live Scan locations, visit the Department of Justice online at https://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints.
If you are out of state, send a message to the Board for fingerprint cards and specific instructions. You may take the cards to a law enforcement office or LiveScan servicer that will scan your prints onto the manual fingerprint cards provided by the Board (call the LiveScan operator to find out if they offer this service).
Note: obtaining criminal history records using standard fingerprint cards may take slightly longer because inked fingerprint cards must be processed manually by the California Department of Justice.
What are the fees associated with fingerprinting?
Fingerprinting fees are as follows:
- $32 for California records check
- $17 for FBI records check
- An additional fingerprint rolling fee or administrative processing fee which varies by provider.
- In California, Live Scan offices will collect all fees at the time service is provided.
- Out-of-state applicants will only pay the rolling fee at the time of service, if applicable. You must take fingerprint cards received from the Board to a law enforcement office to complete your fingerprinting. The completed fingerprint cards, a check or money order for $51 made payable to CA DOJ, and a copy of the form Request for Exemption from Mandatory Electronic Fingerprint Submission Requirement should be mailed directly to the California Department of Justice at the address listed on the form.
What happens if you don’t receive all of my required documents at the same time?
We will hold your documents until we have all required forms, documents, fingerprint clearances, and fees. We’ll let you know the status of your application, including any missing items, within 30 days after we receive it. You must complete your licensing within one year after we receive your application or within one year after we last acted on it. After that, you must begin the application process again, and pay the application fee again.
How long does it take to issue my license?
The length of processing times relies heavily on when the Board receives all required documentation. Applicants can track their process by using the BreEZe licensing system. Deficiencies are outlined to the applicant on the initial submission. Once an application has been approved, information will be e-mailed to you indicating how to pay the prorated licensing fee.
The Board typically issues a license within 5-business days after receiving your license fee, and the printed license will be mailed within 15-days after that.
What happens if I complete my application but don’t pay my license fees for a month or more?
When you are ready to pay your license fee, simply log on to the BreEZe system and pay the pro-rated license fee amount. You must pay your license fee within a year after we receive your application. After that, we will consider the application abandoned and you will forfeit the application fees. If you wish to reapply, you will have to pay another $400 application fee and re-submit all the required documentation.
What if I have more questions?
If you have further questions, please send a message or write to us at the
California Board of Naturopathic Medicine
1747 N Market Blvd., Suite 240
Sacramento, CA 95834
We encourage you to check our web site regularly for new and updated information.