IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are not a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND), please reach out to your own licensing board. CBNM only licenses and regulates NDs and this is not for any other healthcare practitioner.

For Provider Approval for Purposes of Administration of IV Therapies
(Course providers only)

Per Business and Professions Code section 3640.8, expressly permits the administration of intravenous (IV) Therapies by licensed naturopathic doctors practicing in California.  There is no requirement that licensed naturopathic doctors who do not administer IV therapies complete IV training given by providers approved under this section.

Provider approval by the Board for IV Therapy training requirements does not equate to a general grant of approval for continuing education courses for California NDs.  Providers seeking approval for continuing education courses must still separately obtain approval from one of the other statutorily mandated approvers.

Questions about the provider and course application process should be directed to the Board by using the contact form.

Standards for Compliance
California law requires that a naturopathic doctor must first satisfy the following criteria in order to administer intravenous (IV) therapies (BCP section 3648.8 (a)(1) and (2)):

Standards for Provider Approval

  • Course provider should provide curriculum vitae that demonstrates education and training which qualifies them as a subject matter expert in IV therapies.
  • Provider approval will be determined by at least one licensed naturopathic doctor to ensure provider can deliver IV therapy education in alignment with naturopathic medical practice.
  • Provider should be a qualified professional such a ND, MD, or DO with expertise in naturopathic IV therapies.

Standards for Course Approval

IV Therapy Training Provider Application Process (for course instructors)

  1. To apply for the Board’s approval as an IV therapy training provider please see the Intravenous Therapy Training Provider Application (form ND- 200), which can be found below.
  1. Items that will assist the Board in making a determination should be attached to the application:
    • Curriculum Vitae (one for each instructor)
    • Course description and outline (include hours of instruction)
    • Course or provider brochure(s)
  1. Email electronic copies of application and attachments to the Board by first establishing commuication using the contact form. The Board will also accept a faxed copy of application and attachments to (916) 928-4787. An original copy of the application and attachments can also be mailed to:

    California Board of Naturopathic Medicine
    1747 N. Market Blvd., Suite 240
    Sacramento, CA  95834

  2. The Board will respond to the application by providing either a confirmation, denial, or request for more information. If you have not received a response within 30 days, please send a message to the Board.